How I love Suburbia. These pictures are just a few that I have found that photographer Bill Owens made. I am really interested in suburbia and what it means to me as someone who grew up there. I think his portraits of people, specifically the couples really intrigue me. They seem so isolated, but together. Its something I think I felt growing up there. It was such a lonely place. Even for those in a relationship it looks to be a bit lonely. The last picture with the culdesac is hilarious. It is the only one where people seem to be out as a community and today that doesn't even exist. I think now, more than ever, people moving to suburbia are isolating themselves and creating an exile that many have no clue about. I keep coming back to this subject matter. I can't run away from it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Growing Pains
It has been a little while since i have posted, but no fear I will be back on track soon. Let me just say that I have had some things thrown into my path lately that really have needed some extra hard, thoughtful, work. Nothing that I can not handle though.
Growing pains.
I am hopeful that this is going to be a breathe of fresh renewed air.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
This brought some shocking new thoughts to my head as I listened to Matt Damon talk. I don't generally take what actors say with a grain of salt, because well they are professionally trained to create illusional reality, but he has some points that no one can casually think about without producing some action. Macain MUST NOT BECOME president of the United States. It just simply must not happen. I can not idly sit by and watch this duo take office and control the security and reputation of the United States. Please, please register yourself and GO AND VOTE!! It is the only way we can make a difference in this election. PLEASE do not let this man and woman who have no idea who the youth of this country is, who have NO IDEA how to run a country so vibrant and diverse as we are. They may be perfectly suited to run a country of hard working emerging industrialists, but we as a people have evolved beyond that and WE KNOW IT! So please register and vote. That is my only plea. It is super easy to go to this website and register. I know its cliched but it is super simple and dummy proof!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Philip-Lorca Corcia
This man takes some of the best portraits. The colors are so wonderful and the lighting is spectacular. I am inspired by his use of artificial and natural light. The mixture is pretty beautiful to look at. His pictures are so lonely yet so eye catching, it is a great juxtaposition.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Because I am a woman, and a very concious one at that, I really connected with what Eve Ensler is talking about here as a fellow woman and humanitarian. Living more in my body and less in my head is a goal I have for myself that started in Greece, and hopefully will continue to grow as I become more wise.
"happiness exists in action and happiness exists in telling the truth and what your truth is"
I found her very moving.
New and Old Photographers
I love the way he channels something completely psychological and raw and translates those into beautiful black and white prints. These are some of the most intriguing pictures I have ever seen. I came across this man's website and I felt as though I was looking into a most disturbed and confusing dream. I felt almost the same when seeing Diane Arbus work three years ago. These pictures will now haunt me forever.
There are some great interviews on his website that you might want to check out.
Monday, September 1, 2008
It looks like Gustav is blasting away.... I just hope the Floodgates don't burst and all of the south is swallowed up by the Gulf of Mexico.
on a liter note, my good friend Brandon has been making parodies of Saves the Day fans across the nation recording horrible renditions of their song. He found himself upset over the horrible comments people made, so he is in the process of trying to redeem himself by re-doing the song with perfection.
The Begining
With the start of a new year and many new exciting things, I have decided to create this blog to throw down internet inspiration, random pictures I like, clips, music, thoughts, it all in an attempt to create a nice archive for myself and anyone else who wants to read, look, like.
His website is pretty cool, I really was mostly interested in this tree house though.
Branislav Kropilak ---------------+
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