Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nate Frizzell

What is it about me and wildlife these days? I love the animals. I think a lot of people are with me when I say that our fucked up human existence leads us to sympathize quicker when an animal is involved. Remember the movie I am Legend? What was absolutely the saddest part? My point exactly. 

Loves it.

Tsunami Salami

This is work from this artist I just happened to stumble upon. His name is Ian O'Phelan and you should all check him out. I really want to get a owl/deer jewel tattoo. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am American

Ladies and Gents we have a new, optimistic president.... 

I really thought i might have to flee the country, but now, i have some real patriotic pride. I have no idea how that happened, but i am so excited for the United States of Americs.