Thursday, September 11, 2008

This brought some shocking new thoughts to my head as I listened to Matt Damon talk. I don't generally take what actors say with a grain of salt, because well they are professionally trained to create illusional reality, but he has some points that no one can casually think about without producing some action. Macain MUST NOT BECOME president of the United States. It just simply must not happen. I can not idly sit by and watch this duo take office and control the security and reputation of the United States. Please, please register yourself and GO AND VOTE!! It is the only way we can make a difference in this election. PLEASE do not let this man and woman who have no idea who the youth of this country is, who have NO IDEA how to run a country so vibrant and diverse as we are. They may be perfectly suited to run a country of hard working emerging industrialists, but we as a people have evolved beyond that and WE KNOW IT! So please register and vote. That is my only plea. It is super easy to go to this website and register. I know its cliched but it is super simple and dummy proof!!!


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